Discrete — Dedicated — Dynamic

Saiyyidah Zaidi
As a Partner at Altair Saiyyidah works with CEOs, senior leaders and their teams, and those on a rapid trajectory to ExCo. As an advisor, mirror and sounding board her work spans self-to-system leadership advisory with a particular expertise in identity, culture, and belonging.
Saiyyidah spent over twenty years in senior roles in both the public and private sector. She left a fast-tracked career in local government to curate a portfolio career focused in two areas: leadership advisory and academic research. Stylistically, Saiyyidah has been described as a “marshmallow sledgehammer” — someone who calmly and kindly takes her clients to unexpected places and has the courage to deliver unexpected insights and challenge. Working with clients to overcome imposter syndrome and driving an increased degree of confidence and self belief is a particular strength.
As a Tutor and Faculty Member with Meyler Campbell Saiyyidah trains senior leaders, and those transitioning to a plural career, to become coaches. She believes that with the right strategies, tools, and coaching the ability to do extraordinary things is open to anyone willing to take up the challenge. She offers that coaching is a delightful partnership that incorporating a powerful process where individuals gain a deeper understanding of ‘what makes them tick.’
As a coaching supervisor Saiyyidah provides ongoing support to newly qualified coaches — and seasoned ones — in a unique approach. Her '4 for 1' coach supervision program provides an exceptional combination of discrete one-to-one supervision, group supervision, coaching practice growth and business development, as well as advanced skills training. This relational space enables coaches that work with Saiyyidah to flourish and thrive as individuals and professionals.
Saiyyidah completed her Doctorate research in late 2021 and passed her oral defense (viva) in early 2022. Her thesis 'This is the sound of my soul' was described as pioneering and trailblazing in Practical Theology/Critical Studies by external examiners. As a result of Saiyyidah’s pioneering and trailblazing research into belonging, culture, and identity she has delivered keynotes and workshops at well known corporate companies, world class academic institutions & well known internationally recognised business schools.
Saiyyidah is a Trustee and Committee Member of the British and Irish Association of Practical Theology, sits on the Advisory Board for AHRC research into Communities of Inquiry, is Founding Convenor for the Centre for Belonging and Understanding, is an EMCC accredited Master Coach, and is a Fellow of Association of Project Management.
She is passionate about holistic wellbeing, travel, life-long learning and good coffee!
Saiyyidah lives in London with her husband, two young adult children, and Tiger the cat.
What others say...
"Saiyyidah is incredibly dedicated to making a difference in this world. She practices what she preaches. You want to learn from someone who does the hard work of growth learning themselves & Saiyyidah is a master learner. She has distinctions & advice that can truly help you grow."
— Brendon Burchard, CEO of Growthday, #1 bestselling author.
"Saiyyidah has the most wonderful ability to challenge where challenge is warranted and yet she leaves me with a sense of confidence in where I should go next and a calmness that I rarely feel."
— Senior Partner, Global Law Firm
"Saiyyidah is exceptionally gracious and grounded. I found the sessions extremely beneficial in allowing me time to reflect and acknowledge the challenges that I face, then turn those challenges into workable solutions."
— Director, Parmatech