hello winter
Jan 05, 2025It snowed in London today. One thing I love about a Sunday before going back to work is that cosy feeling of being at home sitting on the sofa with a hot cup of tea and be able to enjoy time while seeing little snow flakes land on the earth...
For many people this is the time they go back to work/university/routine after the transition between 2024 and 2025. There are many places where you can find the 'how to assess 2024' or 'what goals to plan for 2025' and I am sure you have seen some of them. To be honest, in this particular transition between end of year and new year I have not wanted to do an intellectual reflection backwards and forwards. I have simply wanted to pause and rest.
A lot happened last year and there is a lot to be thankful for.
There was also a lot of challenge and a lot of learning and growth that happened.
And with all of this I believe that we do not need new knowledge of how to plan, what goals to set, and how to get them done.
From what I know of you, I know that you have an approach that works for you... At some point in your life there was something you really wanted and you got it done.
So, how about this year, this month, this week, tomorrow, we channel our attention to looking at how we do the best with what we have/ how do we learn and evolve into who we want to be rather than spending time listing all the things we want to do and then getting stressed by a long list.
Let me ask you
Who are you & how do you want to be?
If we spent this year simply focusing on these questions it would be a good use of energy...
and I guarantee you'll be spending more time with people who you want to be with, doing the things you want to do!
My hope for this month, quarter, and year is to stop focusing on what I don't do well and to put my attention to the things I am good at and to do more of that.
What are you good at?
What do you want to do more of?
How will you make space for it?
it might be as simple as finding 10 minutes to read a book or go for a walk. It might be doing 15 body weight squats as the kettle boils for a cup of team. Or it might be making time to do nothing at all... 5 minutes of nothing is a luxury, believe me.
However you want to be your actions must align with that. You will experience yourself in a different way and people will perceive you differently - you'll naturally end up being more of the best of who you are!
With that, let me end todays post by wishing you all the best for the week and the rest of the year.
With love,
The Space
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