Dec 22, 2024On the last Saturday before Christmas I ended up in Soho, London. Not for work or shopping... but for an intensive day of study to review a course I have been doing for 10 weeks. We were told that there would be no hot food or drinks available - partly due to a last minute venue change. And it started at 9am so I needed to make sure that I had my coffee before getting to the venue!
As I walked back from Carnaby Street to the hotel I noticed a statue. It was the open arms that felt very inviting.
I looked a little more closely and noticed the sign 'imagine'
Photo taken on Carnaby St, London (21 December 2024, Saiyyidah Zaidi)
This statue is a sculpture to honor John Lennon and is named after one of his most influential songs 'imagine.'
I know that the community reading this message are from a range of backgrounds, locations, and religious perspectives. Still, the lyrics of the song imagine unite us all.
Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine, John Lennon
As we journey into a week of time with family, friends, loved ones, or time alone I wish you all the best and an invitation for you to spend some time imagining and dreaming...
How do you want the next week to be? You may or may not be working... you may be traveling as you read this... how do you want to be? It is the deliberateness of that which creates the environment for you to be able to really imagine and dream...
It is a huge gift that you give to yourself :-)
All my best,
The Space
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