The Space

intuition, radical candor, & plant yourself

Feb 18, 2024

Last week I did some hard things and some very joyful things. The most challenging thing was requesting a proof copy of a chapter I have written for a book. There seemed to be some hesitancy on sharing the pdf of the 'final' version — but I have been here before. Last year I had a little problem with something I had written because 'I didn't request the proof' (after pointing out some errors which missed the final editorial review they changed their process, thank God!). 

They say 'once bitten, twice shy.' I knew my request for the proof last week was a direct result of my previous experience. I'm glad I asked because there were some 'editorial changes' that had been made which changed the tone of what I wanted to express, and because I asked for a proof there was enough time for corrections to be made. 

I have heard of books being 'pulped' as a result of printed errors — when I Googled it Just now I found this story —  a horror for both the author and publisher! 

I share this with you because it is important to follow through on your instinct. No one told me to chase, to ask, to check in... I just knew I had to ask to see a copy of the final proof. 

How does your instinct serve you? This article in The Guardian —  Go with your gut: the science and psychology behind our sense of intuition — is a review of Professor Joel Pearson's book The Intuition Toolkit. Pearson is a neuroscientist and psychologist based at the University of New South Wales so I am paying attention! However, I see that Pearson has a new book out in March 2024 called 'Intuition: Unlock Your Brain's Potential to Build Real Intuition and Make Better Decisions' so I've ordered that one! 

I agree with Pearson, intuition is a superpower... and I would add, it can also be a preventative measure and can save you from problems and challenges. 

This is an invitation to spend some time today, and next week, listening a little more to your own intuition...

  • What is it telling you?
  • How does your gut feeling work?
  • What is it trying to tell you?

And if you are open for a challenge, what is your intuition telling you that you are ignoring? 

The other piece to the email discussion I share with you above is radical candor. it is an idea developed by Kim Scott which basically says that it is possible to 'care personally' and 'challenge directly.' There is no need to be rude or obnoxious, or shy and retiring, when it comes to telling the truth and sharing something that is meaningful for you. It is not the message, it is how it is delivered that is key. if the concept of radical candor is new to you, I do suggest you take a little bit of time to explore it further. 

I shared the concept of radical candor with some senior leaders last week — they started a new leadership development program with me — and one thing that is essential at the start of the process is for me to encourage the leaders to reflect on where they are, what is their starting point. I did this by sharing the Chinese proverb below, which I have slightly altered based on the idea of 'planting yourself.'

If your vision is for a year, plant wheat.

If your vision is for ten years, plant trees.

If your vision is for a lifetime, plant people.

Whatever you want to do, start by planting yourself.

— Saiyyidah Zaidi, based on a Chinese Proverb

One final thing I wanted to share with you — on Friday I met up with my niece who got me a present... an enamel pin that says 'breathe in and out, breathe' (you can see a picture of it in the image above). It's really good quality and a lovely thing, she got it from a wellbeing brand called Sugar and Sloth. They seem to a great aspiration to 'empower you to live a calmer and more joyful life' so I had to share it with you all!  

What is good that you have see, read, heard, bought that you'd like to share with others? I'd love to  know! 

Until next week, all my best,


The Space


The Space

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