The Space

living with integrity

Jul 14, 2024

"The idea behind our work is to help leaders to show up more fully in the workplace — and in every dimension of their lives — with their identity and integrity hand in hand."

— How do we show up with more of who we are?

How do we belong in a world that wants us to belong but doesn’t always make it easy for us to belong?

How do I sit in the place that exists between one space where I am treated like a rockstar and another where I am vilified for who I am and how I show up?

Last week was hard...

I experienced 3 incidents of racism/islamophobia in the space of a few days. I was so riled that I ended up writing a brief note on Linkedin about it. The comments that agreed with my call for ‘systemic change’ were reassuring and gave me hope.

Last week was a blessing...

Yesterday I attended a virtual graduation for two courses that I have recently completed. I graduated from a Post Graduate Certificate in Psychosynthesis Coaching and graduated from the Embodied Supervisor training – things which add to and further hone my skills as a coach and leadership advisor. One of the founders of the program said that my papers were ‘among the best that I have read in my 10 years of examining this course.’

Last week was a reality check for me as my ability to belong and not belong was expanded at each end in the space of a week.

I feel as if I have been a little too gentle in what I am about to share with you – sometimes the foundation of this particular kind of gentleness is imposter syndrome or uncertainty… And at the same time I really want you to know.

I am running a retreat in September called ‘The Courage to Belong

My task this week was to start to prepare the retreat slides… During that process I spent a lot of time reflecting on the words below…

It takes courage

to ask "How shall I be”

so that I can do [what?]

so the world can be


for all.

Leadership takes courage

and gives courage, too.

And courage takes trust.

— Shelly L. Francis

I asked myself ‘What would I do if I had more courage to belong?’ The answer to that is still emerging.

I would love you to think about what you would do if you were more able to belong in your full, amazing being?

That is most definitely a question to take away… and if you are a coach, advisor, or mentor or have ever worked with one of these then you know that often inner work done in community, with others, is even more impactful.

It is with that in mind that I extend this invitation to you to join The Courage to Belong in September 2024.

And if you are unable to attend please do share the retreat information with someone who you think may be interested… and ponder on the question ‘what would you do if you had more courage to belong?’

As ever, if you have any questions please email me.

All my best,




The Space

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