The Space

Meet Veronica

Feb 09, 2025

Usually on a Saturday morning I have a leisurely coffee and then go and do my shopping. I know I can order online but there is something special about going to the shops, seeing people and families going about their weekends and simply being connected to the place I live in with a bit more depth. 

Yesterday I went to the market after a busy morning catching up on some work. I was alone and I underestimated what I purchased and overestimated my ability to carry it all! My husband was coming back from central London and asked me if I needed help. Of course I said no, because you know... who needs help? 

Well, I can tell you who needed help... it was me... So after another few hundred yards I messaged my husband and said 'when you come out of the station please come and meet me at the cafe. I need your help.' 

Now that my target destination changed walking the remaining distance to the cafe was harder than it should have been, but I still made it. When I got to the cafe there was a table for two right at the entrance and the person who was sitting there just stood up to leave. I put my bags down and joined the queue to order. 

I then sat down feeling more disheveled than I looked!

I opened up my phone to catch up on messages. I then looked up.

I saw a older woman walk in. She came over and asked if she could sit down. Of course I replied. 

I met Veronica. A 89 year old woman who was out on her first walk in weeks. She told me she had read her emails and finished her admin and felt energetic enough to go out. Veronica explained that for weeks she had been unwell and was now committed to going for a walk daily. I asked her about her life and she said she met her husband at the National Union of Student when she was 18. A White woman who married a Pakistani man she met at university in what must have been the 1950's. 

Side note - I have to say what impressed me most about Veronica was the things she had done in her lived experience and her feisty nature even at 89! 

I can't remember the word she used to describe herself but I told Veronica we were kindred free spirits - we love travel, are life long learners - Veronica is learning science just for the sake of it!, and she likes talking to random people. 

We exchanged numbers and we will meet again. It is amazing how we can live in the same are for decades and pass each other by. I have a strong sense that Veronica and I will be good friends. 

I felt inspired by Veronica and hope to be just as energetic and enthusiastic as her when I am her age! 

Our meeting really invigorated my thirst for life. 

When was the last time you spoke to someone random? 

*Yes, city dwellers this one is for you too... especially if you are a Londoner! 

When was the last time you really saw a stranger, and let them see you?

I invite you to consider how you receive people in the next few days, especially those you don't know. You never know, you might get to meet your own Veronica! 

Have a great week

All my best


The Space


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