The Space

simple sentence goals

Jul 07, 2024

In my work I talk a lot about goals, ambition, implementation, measurement, and achievement.

This may be a side of me that you know, but not in the way I am about to share with you...

Very few leadership advisors and coaches have a background in project management and delivery like I do. As one of the first female Fellows of the Association of Project Management in early 2000s I achieved that recognition by delivering projects with a gentle light touch — empowering individuals and creating a strong culture where people can be themselves is critical to project success, change, and transformation. 

(The pictures above : 1 & 2 — A long term acquaintance who has become a good friend gifted me a Zoe box that helps us to know more about our individual gut, blood fat, and blood sugar responses. Last week I did some tests and was amazed that the instructions for blood and microbiome tests were easy to do; 3 — a picture of sunflowers that I sent to my niece; 4 — I attended a event related to creating a coaching culture and it was lovely to see my face as part of the Faculty there; 5 & 6 — The venue for the practical theology was a stately home that had been used to house prisoners of war in the Second World War, it made me think a lot... ; 7 — I had a lovely ice cream out by the seaside in Scotland... shush, don't tell my personal trainer!)

Getting things done often feels more challenging that it needs to be, and one of my superpowers is making it be a little bit easier. 


An example of the starting point, where I am to meet people...

Last week as I was traveling to a practical theology conference with the title 'The root of all evil?: money and practical theology' I decided to create a plan for my 3 year Research Associate post with the University of Oxford's Center for Culture and Religion. 

At the conference I always try and encourage others who have just completed their Doctorate to publish thesis related articles or to make some sort of publishing plan.

Having been able to fulfill the ambitions of this simple articulation for my research and I have published at least 2 peer reviewed articles a year in top academic journals. Not bad for something I view as my side hustle.


I explained to some new 'Dr.s' that when I passed my Viva I was tired and if I never wrote anything academic again it would have been fine. One of my research supervisors — Professor Anthony Reddie, University of Oxford's first professor of Black Theology — said that would be a shame because, in his words, my scholarship has a lot to offer and after I'm no longer here my articles and books will be part of my legacy.

I thought about that for a few moments and replied 'ok, then I'll publish two articles a year.'

That one sentence is what has enabled me to do that for the last 3 years. In 3 years time I hope to have another 6 articles somewhere. This is a big change for someone who had written publishable articles for Masters studies but never published them — previously there was no desire to.

If you are not in research or academia, please bear in mind that some people spend a year working on publishing one article, getting anything published is a big deal.

How do I do this?

I'm not smart, I'm strategic. 

Why is this important to you? 

Can you take the principles of what I'm suggesting and apply it to something important for you?

Whether you have an essay/dissertation/thesis to write, a project to deliver on at work, a change/transformation to complete... There is something extraordinarily simple in finding a one sentence goal with clear and tangible measures.

Mine: 2 published articles a year.

What is yours?

Other simple sentences goals I have:

Visit the gym 3 times a week

Write The Space every week

Review my calendar every month and remove anything I don't need to be at, and add in some things to nourish my soul.

Sleep for 7 hours a day.

What is yours?

I ask this because sometimes the simple sentence goals on the surface relate to something that might be perceived as trivial, or lower down on your list of priorities. But, as I've shown it's that simple sentence goal which is the thing that gives you easy results. 

What is your simple sentence goal? 

I'd love to hear about it, please reply and let me know

All my best,


The Space

PS - Did you hear about the Courage to Belong retreat I'm hosting online? There is £100 off each place until 14 July 2024. Find out more here.


The Space

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