the path to belonging
Jan 12, 2025
In a time of transition there are often things that occur which are settling and unsettling. The move from year end to the new year, or weekend to week, or night to day may provide opportunities for reflection.
This weekend I have been completing materials for The Courage to Belong, a virtual retreat that I am facilitating in February 2025. Belonging is a really important concept for me. I didn't always have a sense of belonging, or understand its significance in my life.
Today one of the things that I am most determined to have as a constant in my life is a strong sense of belonging - within, outside, and even in situations where it may require a little more digging to find the belonging!
No doubt you will have spent some time considering what you will do with your time, how you will be, and what your hopes and ambitions are for the next period of life. I wish to invite you to join me in this intimate virtual retreat where we will really be doing a deep dive in belonging and how you can develop your own understanding and relationship with it.
The words in the image above are an extract from a poem which I wrote specifically for the retreat. The path to belonging is available... it is one that I had to find for myself... I'd love to help you to find your own path :-)
You can find out more about what we will be doing in the retreat here.
In the meantime, what can you do right now to find, increase, or develop your own sense of belonging?
There are many things you already do which can help, I'll list a few of these in a minute... let me just take a second to speak about intention because that is where the seeds for belonging also lie.
What is your ambition, hope, or intention is seeking to belong?
For me it was about knowing that I wanted to live a good, happy life; one where I experienced joy and felt settled in who I am.
What is it for you?
I invite you to spend a moment or two thinking about why belonging is important to you.
Now, lets look at a short list of things that I have complied which can help you settle into yourself, promote a sense of calm and self-awareness, and increase a sense of belonging.
- Mindful Awareness: Take a moment to focus on your surroundings or the sensations in your body. Notice what you see, hear, and feel without judgment to ground yourself in the present.
- Nature Walk: Spend some time walking in nature. Pay attention to the sights, sounds, and smells around you, allowing the natural environment to help you feel more centered and at ease.
- Gratitude Reflection: Take a moment to reflect on three things you are grateful for. This practice can shift your focus to positive aspects of your life and foster a sense of contentment.
These practices can help you find your path of belonging by cultivating mindfulness, and create a deeper connection to your inner self.
As you go into this week I invite you to think of what you might do to help you develop your relationship with belonging, it may be these items above, or it may be something else - I'd love it if you reach out and let me know what you have done.
Also, please do take a look at The Courage to Belong retreat, it is a small gathering and there are only one or two spots left. I'd love to see you there.
All my best,
The Space
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