trying new things
Jan 19, 2025When it comes to tea I am quite fussy.
I appreciate that there are many stereotypes around British people and their tea, and I unashamedly fit every single one.
Last week I met a virtual friend in person and we spent a wonderful few hours together getting to know another dimension of each other — quite literally! I have had a bit of a cold recently and so have been drinking a lot of hot mint or ginger tea to keep my hydrated. So naturally when the waiter asked me what I would like to drink I asked for a hot tea. He responded by asking me if I wanted to try something new. I paused in my reply and said 'ohhhhh, yes, I'm not quite sure I like raw tumeric but I will give the ginger, lemon, turmeric tea a go.'
And with that a new little adventure started.
When was the last time you tried something new?
With this question I am not asking about paragliding or running a marathon! I am curious about something small, incidental perhaps... maybe this is where the possibility for small, little adventures exists in life... but we simply do not notice it... yet!
After the experience with the tea — which I really did enjoy — I spent the rest of the week looking for new things to try, new adventures to have. And it made me much more open to new possibilities.
As I write this I realise it made me more of a 'yes' person. And I do not mean that in the way of taking on other peoples requests! I mean that if someone offers me a new experience I will say yes.
As an approach to learning, development, and growth that feels new, exciting, and interesting.
Imagine what happens when we say yes to a learning inquiry that is of interest to us, rather than saying no because we continue to do what we are used or, or know how to do easily?
If you have been reading my writing for a while by now you know I am someone who craves adventure and new things... What did not occur to me until last week how something as simple as a new flavor of tea could actually be seen as a mini adventure! I did not share my ramblings with my dinner companion — I save that just for you :-)
— Where might you find something that invigorates/reignites/energises your daily lived experience?
— What little thing might you do/how might you be so that you bring more of what you crave into your life?
I get it, for some people these are big questions... perhaps they were for me too, until last week! What I now really understand is that we not only deserve to have joy and enjoy our lived experience, we also are really the only ones who can determine that happening.
So, I invite you to try new things this week - a new flavor of tea, a different newspaper/news source, a new experience, a different {please fill in the gap here!}
I would love to hear what new thing you try, do let me know.
Until next week, all my best,
The Space
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